hundred on which you cannot reckon

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hundred on which you cannot reckon

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Better one safe way than a hundred on which you cannot reckon. "一条万全之道,胜于百般行险" He reckons a hundred is tops. 他认为 100 是上限了。 "Strange though it may sound, the wolf has thus actually helped save the lives of hundreds of sheep," the WWF reckons. 自然基金会代表笑道 : "听起来可能很荒谬,但狼可以说间接地保护了成百上千只绵羊的生命 。" Tanzania's government reckons that every year several hundred of its people are lynched on suspicion of witchcraft. 坦桑尼亚政府估计每年有数百坦桑尼亚人被怀疑与巫术有关,遭私刑处死。 The NBA does not release financial results from China but outsiders reckon it earns hundreds of millions of dollars annually from product licensing, television rights and sponsorship deals with firms such as Coca-Cola and Lenovo. 美国职篮NBA雖未公布在中国的财务報告,但外界估算美国职篮每年从商品授权、电视转播及可口可乐和联想计算机等大型企业的赞助即高达上亿美元。 France, for instance, among others, where they reckon about one accident for every two hundred thousand francs of work 比方说法国,在那里,差不多20万法郎的工程就会产生一件事故 I set perfectly still then, listening to my heart thump, and I reckon I didn't draw a breath while it thumped a hundred. 烧纸时,就听老弟在叨叨的,一开始我没注意,后来仔细一听,我大笑。 Apart from today's disaster and the dough from last night and... the pension money I've been saving about twelve hundred and 75 dollars, United States dollars, I reckon. 我的养老金加上今天的损失 大概还剩下 一千两百七十五美圆 我算过的 "I don't know - leave it here as we've always done, I reckon. No use to take it away till we start south. Six hundred and fifty in silver's something to carry." "像以前那样,把它留下,等往南方去的时候再捎上它。背着六百五十块银元走可不是件容易的事情。" Proponents of fast reactors reckon that most ofthe remaining waste would need to be stored for only a few centuries, perhaps, rather than hundreds of thousands of years, once the most radioactive elementshad been separated out. 快反应堆的支持者估计只要把放射性最强的元素分离出来,多数现存的废料或许只需要保存几个世纪,而不是几十万年。 Everyone reckons Stirling Rogers is completely legitimate. 每个属性 "斯特林・罗杰斯 和" 完全合法的。 i reckon they played the Beethoven best 我认为他们演奏贝多芬的作品最出色 The watchdog Transparency International reckons that corruption is endemic. 参与监察的国际透明组织认为腐败是普遍现象。 Merisant reckons it can solve both problems. Merisant认为这两个问题都可以解决。 Dr Willett reckons they lead to perhaps 50,000 premature deaths each year. Willett博士估计,这两种病变每年大概导致50000人过早死亡。 Mr Harper may reckon enough Canadians agree with him. 加拿大总理Harper大概认为会有足够多的加拿大人支持他的意见。 He reckons all policemen are fascists and bullies. 他认为所有的员警都是法西斯兼恶棍。 Dugan reckons its clients should retain cash in their portfolios to buy undervalued assets next year. Dugan建议他的客户在资产组合中保留现金,以在明年买进价值被低估的资产. I RECKON HE'D PLANNED ALL ALONG 我估计他早已经计划好了 You reckon they'll try anything tonight? 你猜他们今晚 会有啥行动吗? 内容可能不合适 例句仅用于帮助你翻译不同情境中的单词或表达式,我们并没有对例句进行筛选和验证,例句可能包含不适当的术语或观点。请为我们指出需要编辑或不应显示的例句。粗俗或口语化的译文通常用红色或橘黄色加以标记。 注册以查看更多例句。 简单免费 注册 连接 未找到该义项 广告

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